How to Protect our Children’s Energy for Back to School

It is that time of year again, where we are preparing our children to go back to school. We usually think of buying new clothes, new shoes, school supplies, and food for school lunches but often we fail to think about protecting our kid’s personal energies. Aura Shielding and using Protection Wards can be an effective way to protect our Auras. Children are generally more sensitive than adults to the subtle energies around them. This could potentially become a problem if you allow the residual energies and psychic attacks of others go unchecked, the energies can build up and become stagnant in the Aura and this can lead to other unwanted experiences and symptoms like :

  • fatigue

  • brain fog

  • restlessness or trouble sleeping

  • feeling irritable or emotional

  • nightmares (usually from energy attachments, evil eye, psychic attacks)

  • illness (stagnant energy build up and weakens the immune system)

It is our job as parents to keep our children safe in every way possible. We will discuss in this blog post, various methods on how to accomplish energetic protection so you can have some peace of mind for your own family. Please choose what works best for the lifestyle and schedule for you and your children. There is more than one way to go about this, so trust your own discernment and common sense to create a daily, weekly, or monthly routine that will benefit your family the best way possible.

Protection Warding

Warding is a practical means of energetic protection using physical objects or charms as anchor points for energy. It is usually a preventative measure that uses your focused intention and will power in order to create enchanted protection objects for use from mundane items. This practice is very broad, for this blog post we are going to discuss how to create wards specifically for a person.

Before creating protection wards, it’s important to cleanse the person prior to rid of any negative or stagnant energies. If you try to set up a ward before cleansing, you would essentially trap negative energies or entities inside the ward. Protection Wards create an energetic barrier, this will keep your personal energies contained from the influence of outside energies.

There are 3 methods of warding :

  • Trapping - includes trapping negative energies/entities

  • Circumventing - to send away negative energies/entities

  • Filtering - allowing selective positive energies/entities in while keeping negative energies/entities out

Wards will fade or lose power over time, especially if you have active entities or energies working against it. Recharging your wards can give new vitality to keep them working. How often you should charge your wards is up to your own discernment. Some prefer to charge wards every full moon, every week, biweekly, or daily. Here are some methods of charging your wards you can try :

  • Full Moon Energy

  • Sunlight (best at high noon during the peak of the day)

  • Crystals or Crystal Grids (using protection or high vibrational crystals)

  • Elemental Power (using earth, air, fire, & water to charge)

  • Cosmic Shifts (using planetary alignments & universal shifts to charge)

  • Leylines & Portals (using places of power to energetically charge)

Personal Protection Wards

Personal Protection Wards are items or charms that are placed on the person to wear or carry on themselves. This ensures that the protection is on the person and that the protection will follow them, very useful for traveling and being in public spaces.

  • ENCHANTED JEWELRY - Wear a piece of jewelry and program it for the intention of protection. This can be virtually any kind of jewelry, but make sure that you cleanse it prior. The material of the jewelry can also boost your intention, like chording, precious metals, crystals, and symbolism. You may also choose to anoint the jewelry as well. To program your jewelry : place between the palms of your hands and speak your intention (reword or add to this to make it your own). “I program this jewelry/amulet/charm for the intention of protection my energy. I am protected against all evil eye’s, psychic attacks, curses, hexes, and jinxes of any kind. My aura is strong and shielded.” Then wear your jewelry as normal. Jewelry can be a low key way to protect your energies.

  • WITCH’S BOTTLE OR SACHET - Create protection in a bottle. Add protection items that you are drawn/called to and program the bottle for your intention. Bottles are a great way to trap negative energies/entities (dark blue bottles are best for this). Sachets can be a great way to send negative energies/entities away and to filter out specific energies that you want to avoid or keep within your auric field. Not sure what to add to your bottle or sachet ? Here is some inspiration : iron/nails, black or blue candles, war water, dragon’s blood, rosemary, burdock root, thyme, ash wood, birch wood, cloves, thistle, mugwort, gardenia, angelica, garlic, onion, rue, marshmallow root, vervain, aloe vera, juniper berries. You can also add specific names to ward against bullies and energy vampires.

  • PROTECTION POPPET - A Poppet is a doll/figurine used to represent a person which can be used intentionally for healing, protection, or even hexing. Poppets can be made from clay, wax, cloth, herbs, virtually anything that can hold a shape of a person. Poppets are incredibly versatile, also a great means of sympathetic magic. To make a protection poppet you can create a doll that looks like the person you want to protect, write their name and date of birth on a piece of paper and stuff it inside the poppet, add protection herbs and crystals (amethyst, hematite, salt, basil, patchouli, coffee), draw protection symbols on paper to stuff on the inside. Some practitioners like to seal the poppet with candle wax as a means of sealing their intention. You can really get creative with making poppets.

  • PROTECTION CHARM - There are so many various protection charms to use for yourself. Virtually anything can become a charm. The idea is to choose an item and infuse it with your intention for the purpose of protection. This would be a single item that you would keep on you for protection. Keeping a piece of Oak Wood with a pentagram drawn onto it could be a simple yet effective charm. Using bells are a great way to traditionally protect yourself (add to your personal bag, wear on yourself, or keep on a door threshold). Shells are associated with protection and the element of water. You can keep a piece of seashell with you and ask of the Water Spirits to protect you. Just make sure you are using an item that does have protection properties or protection associations and program with your intent.

  • BLACK SALT - You can use black salt for protection, some people like to use it to dust their shoes (every step is an affirmation for shielding) but you can also keep black salt in a small bottle to wear as a charm as well. You can make black salt in a few different ways. Combine incense ash, charcoal powder, sea salt, and black pepper in a pestle and mortar. Stir clockwise and pray/chant your intention over the black salt to infuse your energy and programming into it.

Aura Shielding

Aura Shielding is practice of protecting your energy through focused intention and energy work. This does not have to be complicated. Below are some ways to utilize this practice for yourself and your children.

  • VEILING - Covering your head/crown area to shield your personal energies. This can be wearing a headwrap, hair clips, or even braiding your hair. You can go the next step and also incorporate color into veiling. Black and blue is great for protection. Purple is great for transmuting energy. You can also use a protection oil to anoint your hair as a means to shield.

  • VISUALIZATION - You can imagine aura shields or filters as a means of aura shielding. This does require some focus and concentration. You can visualize a golden ball of light, see yourself in a reflective bubble bouncing off negative energies, purple pyramid of light to transmute energies in a public space, or my favorite a rose for protection. You can really utilize your imagination and geometric patterns to solidify your aura shields.

  • INTENTION OILS OR SPRAYS - You can use a protection oil or spray to anoint yourself or your kids to protect their energies. You can buy or create your own. Flordia Water, Holy Water, & Full Moon Water are popular choices but use what you feel drawn to. I personally like to make my own protection oil by making an herbal infusion oil that I strain and bottle up for use. (Protection oil recipe : olive oil, rosemary, frankincense, sandalwood, rose, lemongrass, cloves, lavender, black pepper, pink Himalayan salt, and add an evil eye bead).

  • PRAY TO SPIRIT GUIDES - Very often overlooked but you may absolutely call upon your Spirit Guides and Ancestors to ask for protection. This practice may vary depending on your own spiritual or religious practices and views. Ask and you shall receive. Don’t be afraid to get specific.

  • KNOT MAGIC - Knot magic is the practice of infusing your intention through braiding. This can be with colored cording or cloth or braiding the hair. You can add charms to your knots. This does not have to be elaborate but you absolutely can. A simple three strand braid while chanting your intention can be highly effective. You can keep this on your bag or in your pocket. Don’t be afraid to get creative.

  • SIGILS, RUNES, & SYMBOLS - You can utilize symbols that you feel drawn to that are associated with protection or simply create your own. Common protection symbols would include the evil eye, ankh, the cross, the pentagram, the triple moon, hecate’s wheel, triquetra, solar cross, mars sign, hamsa, eye of horus, bindrune, hexagram, crossed spears, and celtic knot. My favorite way to utilize sigils, runes, and symbols for children is to draw them under the bottom of the shoes or keeping a petition in your pocket. Do what feels right to you.

  • AFFIRMATIONS & SONG - Speak or sing your intentions/affirmations out loud to shield your energies. This can be a spiritual or religious song that speaks to you or you can create your own. This can be simply singing a verse or just speaking from the heart. Be specific as possible. Should be generally empowering and uplifting but does not have to be long to be effective.

  • RITUAL DANCING - Using movement to release negative and stagnant energies while raising your own vibration. This can be as simple as stomping or clapping. It is best to utilize visualization while doing this. You would use movement for the intention of protection. Some practices and cultures do have specific movements best for protection but the general idea is to shake off the bad and cultivate your personal energy. You may find some kids subconsciously do this when they feel threatened or anxious. Take it the next step further by saying your intention then incorporating the movement.

  • HAND GESTURES - You can use hand movements to brush away or repel negative energies/entities and psychic attacks. This can be as simple as wiping away from yourself or using mudras. You may also create your own gesture. This works by using the principles of focused intentions and energy work. Energy goes where attention goes. Best used when you feel influenced by negative energy or evil eyes.

Protection Wards and Aura Shielding can be great effective ways for protecting your personal energies. Make sure to bless your children this school year with energetic protection. Children have enough stresses to worry about. Don’t let outside energies get your child weakened and influenced. Feel free to add to these practices, as a parent, you know what is best for your family. Blessed be !


Giving Offerings to Spirit Guides & Ancestors


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