Demons & Evil Spirits

Evil Spirits are malevolent entities that feed off of lower vibrational energies, usually triggering or influencing the living to generate the energies necessary for their power. For example, evil spirits could infest a household and trigger the residents to bicker and argue with one another, the residual and emotional energies that were generated and released could be potentially used or stored as fuel for the evil spirits. It is possible for these malicious spirits to attach themselves to mundane objects, houses, land, and auras. They do this to gain access to a constant energy supply as well as, to hurt as many people as possible.

Demons are ancient malevolent entities who are commonly said to be fallen angels, they have their own hierarchy within the Underworld. Demons are very deceptive about concealing their true identity, often disguising themselves as harmless spirits and ghosts. Demons are master shapeshifters, they can morph and shift between genders, animals, and identities to disguise as loved ones; they shapeshift to whatever will best fit their needs against their target(s). They do this to confuse and manipulate their target(s) to letting their guards down to essentially feed off of them, cause distress and chaos, and possible possession.

It is important to obtain the name of a demon (or evil spirit), as this will help the Priest/Priestess/Exorcist/Shaman to successfully banish or entrap the entity. Foul smells like rotting garbage and sulfur are tell signs of a demonic presence. The sounds of an animal grunting are also associated as well, and their appearance can range from a dark shadow figure, human-like form to, half-animal like creatures. NEVER ATTEMPT TO TAUNT OR CHALLENGE A DEMON OR EVIL SPIRIT UNLESS YOU ARE PROPERLY TRAINED TO HANDLE, BANISH, AND ENTRAP THEM, as this increases the violence at a haunted location.

Demons are most commonly seen as black masses standing in thresholds or in the corners of a room. They have a hatred for mankind and think of us as easy prey. Their main goal is to break down a person’s free will in order to make way for possession. They thrive on the energies of the living. They wish to capture as many souls as possible and to cause as much damage and chaos as they can create. Time is seen very differently to demons, SO DON’T THINK THAT THE PRESENCE OF A DEMON IS DETERMINED BY ITS “ABSENCE”. Meaning they can make it seem like they aren’t amongst you and later strike again when you least expect it to ! Demons tend to drain the most energy from the crown chakra and from the center of the spine.

Abilities of Evil Spirits & Demons

  • Misplace, move, and break physical objects

  • Implant thoughts and ideas in your mind (making you think that they were your very own)

  • Manifest apparitions/illusions to deceive you and let your guard down

  • Invade dreams and induce nightmares

  • Create noises/voices to mimic

  • Bite, knock, and scratch victims and surfaces. They do this to mark their territory and to direct energy and harness it for their intentions or to open portals.

  • Feed off of dense, low vibrational frequencies like fear, guilt, shame, illness, guilt, anger, greed, anxiety, depression, etc.

Stages of Demonic Influence

  • STAGE 1 - Manifestation & Infestation : This can affect homes, forests, cars, dolls… you name it; Infestation can take place within. Think of it as a form of haunting with the express idea of the Demon introducing itself to the intended target(s) through surreptitious means. That could mean pretending to be a ghost of a child or a dead relative, or even coming through a Ouija Board or séance with the express purpose of breaking down your resistance. The Demon is seeking approval at this stage to stay. It almost needs permission or consent to begin to reveal its true self. It will slowly increase in tempo as the Demon gains strength as the individual loses theirs.

  • STAGE 2 - Oppression : This is where the entity makes its true identity known and moves into full attack mode. This can be physical, emotional, and psychological in nature and is designed to break the affected person’s will to live. Sleep deprivation, increased paranormal activity, bites, scratches, and even sexual assault may take place. Depression is often a symptom at this stage, and as the will and faith of the person is reaching a breaking point, the Demonic entity will move onto the third and final stage, possession.

  • STAGE 3 - Possession : In this final and most dangerous stage, the Demon now has sufficient power and hold over the individual to “close the deal” so to speak. Typically the person affected will have little to no faith left, or self worth. The entity will be in control more often than not, and the influenced may well be hearing voices telling them to harm others or themselves. Manipulation is at an all-time high, and the very soul of the individual is at risk. In the worst of cases, the Demon may even have control of the host body like a parasite, which is really at the base level of what a Demon is. The Demon’s goal at this point is to drive the affected to suicide, and to take as many people with them on the way.

Please keep in mind that if Demons or Evil Spirits drain enough energy from you, it is possible that you can become physically ill. These malevolent entities can siphon or drain residual energies within the walls of your home, walls are great storage vessels (acting like batteries). Purifying your personal spaces and aura can help rid of any unwanted energies. Setting protection wards and aura shielding will help prevent any attachments and unwanted influences.

Tips for Banishing Unwanted Spirits

  • Command them to leave with a Divine Name like deities, ascended masters, and archangels. Don’t be afraid to call upon your ancestors and spirit guides to assist you.

  • Bind them into objects, you can make a protection ward programmed to trap unwanted spirits into your chosen vessel. Spiritual practitioners most commonly resort to using jars, boxes, mirrors, or lockets for this very purpose.

  • Burning Banishing herbs and incense, this helps to repel unwanted energies and spirits from entering your space. It does help to speak prayers, chants, affirmations, and mudras while burning the banishing herbs. Do this walking counter-clockwise in a room as an act of banishment.

  • Set Protection Wards to your Home & Bedroom. Set 4 iron nails in the 4 corners outside your home on your property, use protection runes or sigils on walls, doors, and windows, place protection crystals in the 4 corners of your rooms like selenite, amethyst, tiger’s eye, and black tourmaline. Place a line of salt on your windowsills and the bottom of your closets, close all potential portals within the home like mirrors, tv’s, toilets, and closets. Burn a white candle and program it protection.

  • Purify your aura & personal space regularly. Use Flordia water, holy water, rue water, agrimony water, or rosemary water to wipe the walls and doors of your home or use as a spray for your aura. Do an egg cleanse on yourself. Smoke Cleanse yourself and your space with burning incense or herbs. Open up the windows and allow sunlight or full moonlight to cleanse your space. Take a herbal Epsom bath to cleanse yourself. Sweep salt on your floors for purification. Play frequency music to infuse your space with “good” energies.

  • Use Reiki or Energy Manipulation to push them away and drain them. For skilled intuitives, channel source energy or organic energy (storms, ley lines, crystals, trees, cosmic events) and use this to push the demons or evil spirits out of your space or you can intentionally drain their energy or transmute them (energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes form).

  • Maintain a high vibration. This prevents the Demons and evil spirits from gaining access to your personal energies.

  • Shield your Aura to protect yourself. Veil your crown. Braid hair as knot magic. Anoint yourself with any protection oil or spray. Wear protection crystals. Carry a herbal sachet. Use runes, sigils, and symbols to wear. Visualize shields and filters. Ask your Spirit Guides to protect you. Wear white clothes to repel unwanted energies. Speak affirmations and sing protection songs. Dance to transmute and shift unwanted energies.

  • Reveal if the spirit attachment is with an item, person, home, or the land. This can help you remove the attachment if you understand where the attachment lies. Requires a skilled intuitive to be able to determine and sense this.

If you have any questions or concerns related to Demons and Evil Spirits, you may contact me by email at

Stay safe & Blessed be !


The Art of Divination


Types of Intuitive Abilities