The Art of Divination

Divination is an ancient open spiritual practice that has been defined broadly as a method of gaining information not obtainable by normal means, including the past, the future, the state of the dead, ways to propitiate ancestors and spirits, and the nature of the universe. In other words, to solicit information directly from the Divine, through the use of interpretive tools and methods. Divination has been practiced globally throughout time in many cultures, this results in an abundance of diverse methods and practices to connect with. In this blog post, we will discuss some popular methods of Divination to inspire you to try a method that may resonate with you to add to your spiritual practice.


Botanomancy is a form of pyromancy. This method involves divination through the burning of leaves, tree branches, and herbs. It is a practice where the Diviner draws messages from the smoke of the fire, and/or the ashes that remain. Some spiritual practitioners like to specifically burn leaves, tree branches, and herbs that aid in channeling and intuition; for example (not limited to) :

  • Acacia

  • Chamomile

  • Mugwort

  • Yarrow

  • Blue Lotus

  • Willow

  • Skullcap

  • Lavender

  • Lemongrass

  • Rosemary

Crystal Ball Scrying

Crystal balls are sphere-shaped objects that are often made of transparent stone, glass, or even carved from certain kind of crystal or mineral. The crystal ball is used as a tool to trigger visions; crystal balls come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Most commonly used in a trance/meditative state while looking into the ball and viewing any inclusions or shadows seen in the ball itself. Diviners utilize the crystal ball as a tool to engage with their Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra to gain intuitive downloads, visions, and information. Traditionally Black Obsidian and Clear Quartz were used for divination. It is at the discretion and preference of the Diviner to choose what type of crystal ball to use. It helps to set sacred space prior to protect yourself from unwanted influences and negative energies.

Tips :

  1. Cleanse, Charge, Program, and Activate your crystal ball (intention - tool for divination)

  2. Place your crystal ball in front of you and sit in front of it at a comfortable distance. Relax your mind and body and focus on your breath. After you feel centered and grounded, place your hands on the ball and focus on sending your chi (personal energy) towards it. Keep this connection for at least a minute or two.

  3. Ask your question ( either speaking it aloud or visualizing it within your mind) and gaze into the crystal ball. The goal is not to hyperfocus, instead allow your vision to relax and your mind to stay clear and open. Any images that come through are messages for you, they may not be crystal clear and may be hazy or pictures in the mind. It is important to record your experiences in a journal while you build your symbolic references and relationship to Spirit.

Dice Rolling

A form of cleromancy, it is thought that the Gods influence the outcome of the random toss. The original dice were knuckle bones and vertebrae of animals, usually sheep, which is why it was commonly called, “throwing bones”. There are many approaches to dice divination; Some approaches involve different numbers of dice, some involve dice with different number of sides, some involve different colors of dice with different symbols painted on the sides. Some varieties of dice divination involve repeated rolls. Others involve rolling dice within a small circle. Some forms of dice divination involve adding up the numbers, while others keep the numbers separate and interpret them individually. Despite all the different rules and approaches, all forms of dice divination are basically the same : the reader rolls the dice and interprets the results.

The easiest way to throw dice is as you would toss a coin, for a yes or no answer. If an uneven number lands on top, then this counts as “heads”. An even number pips on top counts as “tails”. Another common way to is to cast the dice onto a field. Nowadays this is often a piece of paper, with a circle drawn on it. You can use one, two, or three dice together for fortune telling purposes. It is most common to use three dice. Draw a circle of about eight inches in diameter and roll the dice. Some Diviners consider the reading null and void if any of the dice roll out of the circle. Others ascribe special meanings to the dice that fall outside the circle. Others ignore the dice outside the circle, only considering the sum of the dice inside the circle.

If you decide that if the dice fall outside the circle then the reading is null and void :

  • any dice falling outside the circle - argument to come

  • any dice that fall on the floor - you are in danger of losing a friend

If you choose to count the dice that fall outside the circle then :

  • one dice falling outside the circle - difficulties or an upset

  • two dice falling outside the circle - arguments or disagreements

  • three dice falling outside the circle - luck or a wish come true

  • any dice that fall on the floor - problems, worry, or annoyance very soon

Special sign :

  • dice land one on top of the other - you will soon receive a present of importance/significance

Fire & Smoke Scrying

Fire and smoke scrying is a form of pyromancy. The flame from a candle or campfire may allow one to see various images dancing in the flames. Light activates the third eye chakra and promotes visions within their minds eye. Sometimes fire gazing puts the person into a trance and thus allows visions or intuitive downloads. Smoke scrying is similar, but the shapes, signs, symbols, and meanings are observed within the smoke. Diviners ponder on what they see, make a note of different signs, and any directions they flow in based on their thought or dwelled on question.

Don’t underestimate the power of your personal connection ! Do you have any strong emotions about what you observed? Did the image make you think of something specific ? What does it instinctively represent for you ? Keep these in mind when your deciphering symbolism.


A pendulum is a weighted object (stone, wood, glass, crystal, bone, or metal) that hangs on a cord or chain that is polished to a point. These tools can aid help Diviners tap into their intuition and get in touch with their Higher Self for clarity. Sometimes pendulum boards are used; your typical board will have “yes”, “no”, and “unclear” written on opposing sides, and sometimes, “maybe” and/or “rephrase”. A person will hold a pendulum still over the board and ask a question, and whichever word/symbols the pendulum swings over is the answer. Diviners can buy or create their own custom boards to fit their intentions and needs like chakras, alphabet, numbers, or general dowsing.

Tips :

  • Choose the right pendulum (Create or Buy) - type of material

  • Cleanse your pendulum

  • Build a relationship with the pendulum - establish the meanings of specific movements & sync energy with the pendulum

  • Ask pendulum questions (don’t use when your feeling emotionally or mentally overwhelmed or imbalanced) and interpret the movements


Cartomancy is the practice of using cards for divination. Modern Cartomancers most commonly use playing cards, oracle cards, or tarot cards for divination. According to some traditions, a deck that is used for Cartomancy should NOT be used for any other purpose. Cartomancers generally feel that the deck should be treated as a tool and cared for accordingly. Some Cartomancers also feel that the cards should NEVER be touched by anyone other than their owner (the reader).

Playing card Suits & Tarot Suit Equivalents

  • Hearts = cups = emotions, feelings, relationships, home, water

  • Clubs = wands = action, passion, money, inspiration, creativity, fire

  • Diamonds = pentacles = material world, work, career, practicalities, earth

  • Spades = swords = thinking, communication, truth, intellect, roadblocks, air

  • Joker = fool = innocence, unknowing, risks, transformation

Numerology in Cartomancy

  • Aces/1 - new beginnings, opportunity, potential

  • 2 - balance, partnerships, duality

  • 3 - creativity, groups, support, growth

  • 4 - structure, stability, manifestation

  • 5 - change, instability, conflict

  • 6 - communication, cooperation, harmony

  • 7 - reflection, assessment, knowledge

  • 8 - mastery, action, accomplishment

  • 9 - fruition, attainment, fulfillment

  • 10 - completion, renewal, end of a cycle

If you have any questions or concerns related to Divination, you may contact me by email at


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