The Evil Eye

The concept of the Evil Eye dates back thousands of years ago, being wildly spread throughout Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East. It is believed that one can be harmed by the evil eye stare of an envious or malicious person or by a lengthy praise. This can occur either consciously or subconsciously. The Evil Eye is still a very common thing to most of us that often goes overlooked either due to ignorance or negligence. In this blog post we will discuss, what is the evil eye and how it happens, how to recognize the signs, and how to protect ourselves.

The Evil Eye

What is the Evil Eye ?

The Evil Eye is a psychic attack that can affect targets (people of all ages, animals, plants, cars, technology, items, and places) negatively. Often believed that targets would experience bad luck, harm, and illness. This can happen intentionally or subconsciously.

How does it happen ?

Again, the Evil Eye can happen intentionally or subconsciously. Energy goes where attention goes. Most of us will have the experience of both sending and receiving the Evil Eye within our lifetime (usually more than once) this does not automatically condemn you as a bad person. The Evil Eye can happen one of three ways :

  • THOUGHTS - A person having negative, envious, malicious thoughts of a specific target - These thoughts then travel to the target and gets “attached” or “dumped” onto the target. This happens when a person is thinking of a specific individual/place/thing and then allow their thoughts to project to their target. This does not always happen maliciously, this could very easily happen to a parent with their angry, spoiled child or an annoyed employee with their boss. Sometimes it does happen intentionally, where a person would wish harm and inconveniences to a specific individual/place/thing due to their own judgements, history, and personal attachments.

  • FEELINGS - A person having intense negative, envious, malicious feelings of a specific target - The intense feelings then travel to the target and gets “attached” or “dumped” onto the target. This happens when a person is thinking of a specific individual/place/thing and feels intense emotions of a specific target and then projects these feelings to their target. This can happen with individuals who feel triggered by you that suffer from insecurity, jealousy, and envy. Keep in mind that this type of evil eye attack stems from emotional wounds and triggers and attachments.

  • WORDS - A person who is actively speaking against or gossiping of a specific target - These words of affirmation manifests as an attachment or new reality onto the target. The more that you speak or declare a statement or phrase, the more likely it is to happen. When you express, communicate, vent, or gossip you are simply giving energy to that specific thing. As an Evil Eye attack, words are the most aggressive form of evil eye attack when used with a glare and combined with focused intention, visualization, and intense feelings.

How to tell the signs of evil eye

How to Recognize the Signs

of the Evil Eye ?

Evil Eye attacks can drain you, weaken you, and bring negativity into your life causing illness, roadblocks, inconveniences and burdens. Depending on how long you have been affected by the Evil Eye will depend on the severity of your case. Keep in mind that everyone may have their own unique experiences and personal results may vary.

If you are experiencing these symptoms and a specific individual/place/object pops up repeatedly and intensely within your mind, please trust your own discernment and intuition, as this may be a sign that this specific person/place/object may have an attachment and influence over you.

Here are the potential signs that you are being sent and influenced by the Evil Eye within your life :

  • unexplained/unexpected sudden illness including nausea and vomiting, loss of apatite, aches with pain, and rashes

  • constant migraines and headaches (regardless of water, diet, nutrition, and sleep)

  • constant fatigue (regardless of movement, sunlight, water, diet, nutrition, and sleep)

  • inability to focus and remember (feels like brain fog)

  • experiencing unexplained anxiety, fear, restlessness, and depression (happens suddenly and intensely, like a wave of emotion is crashing down onto you and your being consumed by it)

  • your constantly dropping or breaking things (more than normal, even if your trying to be careful and present)

  • your experiencing many obstacles and roadblocks and repeating old karmic cycles (misfortune and old problems resurfacing)

  • feeling lazy and unmotivated and isolating yourself

  • feeling drained, dizzy, or achy around specific people

  • your are constantly falling or hurting yourself by accident (clumsiness with self harm)

How to Protect Yourself

from the Evil Eye

It is best to practice purification and aura shielding to protect yourself from the Evil Eye. There are many ways to cleanse and protect your personal energies, spaces, and objects. Do what works best for you. It is all about focused intention and energy. The idea is to banish unwanted influences and to protect ourselves.

Ideas for Purification :

  • burning herbs/roots/resins/powders/incense to smoke cleanse

  • utilizing the crystal of selenite

  • taking an epsom bath

  • sweeping with salt and rosemary

  • using singing bowls and bells for a sound cleanse

  • anoint with florida water, full moon water, holy water, or essential oils

  • sunlight or full moon light

  • allowing the wind to carry away unwanted energies, influences, and attachments in the breeze

  • visualizing a grounding cord and releasing into mother earth for energies to be transmuted into your fuel

  • stand in the rain

Ideas for Aura Shielding :

  • Visualization - A) Orb of White Love & Light - Simply visualize yourself being surrounded in an orb of white light and love. This orb of light serves to release any negative energy within its field of influence and into the light.

    B) Purple Pyramid of Light - Visualize and imagine you're completely contained within a 3D purple pyramid of light. With the peak of the pyramid above your head and the base extending down below your feet, into the Earth. The purple light infused with the energy of the violet flame will effortlessly transmute any negative vibrations. The pyramid itself is also a powerful healing and protective form.

    C) The Mirrored Ball - Visualize you're surrounded by a mirrored ball of light, that effortlessly reflects any negativity from you, while allowing love and light to remain. Although this mirrored ball technique seems very simple, it is EXTREMELY effective and powerful. Wonderful to use when your around a large crowd, or encountering multiple sources of negativity. Read more about psychic protection made simple by the original source

  • Intention Oils & Sprays - oils and sprays intended for protection like flordia water, four thieves vinegar, cinnamon essential oil, rosemary essential oil, holy water, and protection sprays

  • Pray to Spirit Guides - calling upon the assistance of your ancestors and spirit guide team to protect you. Example : “Spirit Guides that serves my highest good, shield me from all evil eyes, psychic attacks, curses, hexes, jinxes of any kind. protect me from all that conspires against me and from all harm. I am safe and secure.”

  • Veiling - cover your crown chakra with a hat, head wrap, scarf, or veil to shield yourself from absorbing the residual energies of others and attachments. Take it another step further and use color and symbolism to boost your intention.

  • Knot Magic - braid your hair to shield your aura or create a braided charm like a witches ladder to protect your personal space. This works by infusing your intention with spoken word and sealing it with a knot for manifestation.

  • Protection Charms & Jewelry - use symbolism and materials to protect yourself. Wear jewelry and carry charms with the intention of protecting yourself. Amethyst, Labradorite, Selenite, Clear Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Black Onyx, Black Obsidian, Jet, Hematite, Aqua Aura, Charoite, Smokey Quartz are all great crystals for protection.

  • Sigils, Symbols, & Runes - draw or wear symbols of protection on yourself, items, or space. Use your own intuition and discernment.

  • Affirmations & Song - words do manifest. Speak affirmations and sing songs of protection to manifest into your reality. It is important to believe in what your saying/singing and to feel the empowered emotions of security and gratitude.

  • Ritual Dancing - dancing is a great way to raise your vibration, shake off unwanted energies, and to get into receiving mode. Use Dancing to empower yourself or release the energies that you don’t want.

the nazar

The Nazar Symbol - Evil Eye Charm

This is an ancient sacred symbol of protection and good luck, meant to repel the negative effects of the Evil Eye, but is not the evil eye itself. It is found in all major religions and throughout countless cultures. Worn on the body as jewelry or placed in the home or car. Remember to cleanse, charge, and program with your intention for this charm to “work” properly.

I personally like to wear this symbol as an amulet of protection and hang in my space to reflect, repel, and banish the Evil Eye and negative energies,

If you have any questions or concerns about the Evil Eye, you may contact me by Email at

Thank you for reading. I hope this information serves you well. Blessed Be !


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