Tools for Shadow Work

Tools for Shadow Work

Shadow Work is a process of introspection, processing, purging, reprogramming mindset, and embodiment practice for personal empowerment and alignment; a practice to making the unconscious conscious and dedicating yourself to the journey within for healing and fulfillment. Shadow Work is a open psychological and spiritual practice, so there is no standard “right way” to practice.

Although, it is common for most shadow work practitioners to set intentions when one is connecting intimately with oneself, like :

  • Connecting to Emotional Wounds (painful feelings, unhealed trauma, triggers, and traumatic memories)

  • Connecting to Mental Blocks (thoughts, beliefs, perspectives, and judgements that keep you limited or stagnant)

  • Connecting to The Ego (the mask you show the world. the version of you that serves self)

  • Connecting to The Shadow Self (subconscious mind. the part of yourself you deem unacceptable that you suppress and deny)

  • Connecting to The Inner Child (the younger version of you that is playful, imaginative, creative, and living authentically)

  • Connecting to The Higher Self (your spirit essence. your soul collective consciousness. your divinity)

Self awareness and focused intention with tools can shift your shadow work journey towards a fulfilling life. In this blog post, I will be sharing with you some inspiration and tips that you can implement into your personal practice. Everyone is capable and worthy of healing and alignment. It takes commitment, discipline, and honesty with yourself to grow. Be gentle with yourself.

Journaling as a Tool in Shadow Work

Journaling as a Tool in Shadow Work

  • Write a letter to yourself, reflect, and notice any patterns - This can be a letter for your ego self, shadow self, inner child, or higher self. Let your thoughts flow and release without judgement. Give yourself time to read this letter out loud to yourself and make note of any patterns that come. Reflect, Process, Release, Accept, or Heal what is necessary for you.

  • Release a memory and Burn it - Use journaling as an opportunity to dump a memory out of your mind and let it go. Burning the memory is the ritualistic act of banishment, to release unwanted influences and attachments. Allow yourself to feel deeply as you are writing so that you can pour as much energy into this releasing ritual as possible. Detach from heavy and painful memories.

  • Write a letter to a specific person and Shred it/Bury it to disconnect from toxic attachments and karmic cycles - It is not always best for us or possible to confront the people that have hurt us, writing a letter with the intention of never sending said letter and destroying it, is a safe way to express your thoughts and feelings without the repercussions of connecting with toxic and malicious people. Destroying the letter is a great way to release your pain, connect to your divine truth, and transmute the energies into your power.

  • Reflect about current events that weigh heavy within your mind and heart to avoid internalizing, numbing, disassociating, and self-sabotaging behavior - Write and reflect on what is currently bothering you. Connect within and process.

  • Write down affirmations for empowerment, manifesting, and reprogramming mindset - Write down phrases or statements that you want to connect with. As you are writing the affirmations, allow yourself to feel the emotional equivalent to the desired vibration.

Music as a Tool in Shadow Work

Music as a Tool for Shadow Work

  • Listen to frequency music & binaural beats - you can intentionally listen to music to attune yourself with. A binaural beat is an illusion created by the brain when you listen to two tones with slightly different frequencies at the same time (both frequencies have to be below 1,500 Hz with a difference of no greater than 40 Hz between them). The effects depend on its frequency and corresponding brain wave.

    Beta Waves (13-16 Hz) - Focused & Alert. Awake.

    Alpha Waves (8-12 Hz) - Calmness & Creativity. Great for meditation. Physically & Mentally relaxed, awake but drowsy.

    Theta Waves (4-7 Hz) - Dream Recall & Intuition. REM sleep, Flow state.

    Delta Waves (0.5-4 Hz) - Deep sleep. Healing, Regeneration, Pain Relief.

    Personally, I love to listen to solfeggio frequencies to promote emotional healing and chakra alignment.

    Root Chakra - 396 Hz

    Sacral Chakra - 417 Hz

    Solar Plexus Chakra - 528 Hz

    Heart Chakra - 639 Hz

    Throat Chakra - 741 Hz

    Third Eye Chakra - 852 Hz

    Crown Chakra - 963 Hz

  • Play an instrument - Play music to release and transmute painful emotions or to empower yourself. Don’t focus on perfectionism here, the important aspect is to allow yourself to feel deeply and to channel music intentionally.

  • Sing a song for releasing or empowerment - Sing songs that uplift your mood and make you feel good or you can sing songs that let you speak your truth and pour your soul out. Great way to physically and emotionally purge.

  • Dance to music to release and for embodiment practice - Dance to shake off heavy emotions and connect to your vitality and expression of self. I find it is best to allow your body to guide you with the movements and have no attachment to the steps or how you look. This can become a powerful tool to simply lose yourself and experience and reflect afterwards.

Crystals as a Tool for Shadow Work

  • Use Crystals to promote Emotional Healing & Chakra Alignment - Crystals can activate and heal our chakra centers while promoting emotional healing. Certain emotional wounds are associated with specific chakra centers. Remember to cleanse, charge, & program your crystals before using them for proper use.

    Root Chakra - Fear, Insecurity, Doubt, Greed, Poverty Mindset, Empowerment - Hematite, Bloodstone, Black Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper, Fire Agate.

    Sacral Chakra - Shame, Lust, Passion - Carnelian, Tiger’s Eye, Orange Calcite, Moonstone, Orange Aventurine.

    Solar Plexus Chakra - Guilt, Gluttony, Self-Sabotage, Perfectionism, Joy - Citrine, Pyrite, Amber, Yellow Topaz, Golden Rutilated Quartz.

    Heart Chakra - Grief, Wrath, Freedom, Abandonment - Malachite, Rose Quartz, Prehnite, Rhodonite, Green Aventurine, Jade, Emerald.

    Throat Chakra - Lies, Sloth, Righteousness, Expression, Communication - Blue Kyanite, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Amazonite, Blue Topaz, Blue Lace Agate.

    Third Eye Chakra - Illusion, Denial, Envy, Wisdom - Amethyst, Labradorite, Fluorite, Sapphire, Lepidolite.

    Crown Chakra - Ego, Pride, Empathy, - Selenite, Clear Quartz, Howlite, Geode, Rainbow Moonstone.

Mirrors as a Tool for Shadow Work

Mirrors as a Tool for Shadow Work

  • Talk to yourself (inner child, ego, shadow self, higher self) - Look into the mirror and gaze into your eyes, talk with yourself and give space for that version of you to express. Release all judgements with yourself and have a conversation. This exercise helps develop self awareness and promotes acceptance.

  • Write affirmations and/or goals on your mirror - Every time you see the affirmation in the reflection, think or speak it as a way of declaring this statement into your reality. Reinforces focused intention and manifestation. The more you look at it and pour energy into this phrase, the energy will build and bring momentum towards the alignment of your desire.

Oracle Cards as a Tool for Shadow Work

Oracle Cards as a Tool for Shadow Work

Oracle cards can be a great tool for self development and divination. You do NOT need training to learn how to read oracle cards. Every oracle deck has its own theme and unique messages, there is no standard format with oracle cards unlike tarot which has its own unique system. You can purchase oracle cards at your local metaphysical shop or online. I suggest picking an oracle card deck that you intuitively feel drawn to, pick themes that resonate. Read the cards as is and incorporate this practice into journaling or meditate upon your results.

If you have any questions or concerns specific to Shadow Work, you may contact me by Email at

Click Here to Watch My YouTube Video : The Shadow Self

Click Here to Watch My YouTube Video : How to Start your Shadow Work Journey

Blessed be !


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