How to Celebrate & Honor Samhain

The Origins of Samhain

Samhain (pronounced “SOW-IN” or “SAH-WIN’’) is a sacred pagan festival originating with the ancient Celtics. Samhain literally means, “summer’s end” in modern Irish and marks the beginning of the “dark half of the year” also known as the Celtic new year and associated with the third and final harvest. Samhain is usually celebrated on October 31st to November 1st in the northern hemisphere and May 1st in the southern hemisphere. This pagan festival is known as a day to commune with and honor the dead and to celebrate the eternal cycle of reincarnation.

In European traditions, Samhain is the night when the old Sun God dies and the Crone Goddess mourns him until Yule (winter solstice on December 21st) when he will be reborn and thus the light will return. The popular image of the Crone Goddess as the old Halloween hag menacingly stirring her cauldron comes from the Celtic belief that all dead souls return to her cauldron of life, death, and rebirth to await reincarnation.

It is believed that on Samhain night, spirits and fairies could cross over the veil and visit the land of the living. These etheric beings would traditionally be given offerings to appease them and assure that people and their livestock would survive the entire winter season, along with the possibility to offer divine knowledge. It was expected that ancestors might cross over during this time as well, and so the ancient Celtics would then dress as animals and monsters so that the fairies were not tempted to kidnap or harm them. It was common for people to set places at the dinner table for the ancestors, spirits, and fairies to dine with the living to share a meal, this tradition is known as dumb supper. Children would play games to entertain the dead, while the adults would update the spirits on the past year’s news.

During this time of year, hearth fires in the family homes were left to burn out while the final harvest was to be gathered. After the harvest work, celebrants joined with Druid Priests to light a large community fire using a wheel that would cause friction and spark flames. The wheel was considered a representation of the sun and used along with prayers and incantations. It was believed that such a forced fire would ward off bewitching, plague, and infections among livestock. Cattle were often sacrificed, and participants would then take a flame from the communal bonfire back to their home to relight the hearth fire.

Samhain Correspondences

  • Other Names - Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Day of the Dead, Feast of Spirits, Third Harvest, Celtic New Year, Celtic Winter

  • Symbols - Jack-o-Lantern, Balefire, Besom, Masks, The Cauldron, Waning Moon, Skulls, Scythe, Acorns, Psychopomps

  • Colors - Black, Orange, Gold, Purple, Silver, White, Dark Red

  • Deities - Baba Yaga, Bast, Kali, Psyche, Hecate, Ishtar, Lilith, The Morrigan, Hades, Loki, Kronos, Odin, Sekhet, Dionysis, Persephone

  • Activities - Divination, Past-Life Recall, Spirit Contact & Channeling, Meditation, Drying Winter Herbs, Banishing Rituals, Protection Rituals, Releasing Rituals

  • Animals - Bats, Cats, Dogs, Crows, Ravens, Owls

  • Crystals - Obsidian, Onyx, Carnelian, Amber, Pyrite, Garnet, Smokey Quartz, Bloodstone, Aquamarine

  • Herbs - Mugwort, Allspice, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Mullein, Calendula, Angelica, Sunflower, Rue, Wormwood, Marigold, Cypress, Heather, Hazel

  • Incense - Sandalwood, Sage, Patchouli, Sweetgrass, Dragon’s Blood, Copal

  • Foods - Apples, Squash, Pumpkin, Pears, Grains, Cider, Stew, Meats, Potatoes, Turnips

  • Meaning - Wisdom of Crone, Death of Sun God, Reflection on our place in the Wheel of the Year, Honoring the Dead, End of Summer, Celtic New Yea, Celebrating Reincarnation

  • Attunement Teas (individually or blended) - Apple Cider, Angelica, Catnip, Indian Hyppo, Sage, Valerian

  • Ritual Oils - Frankincense, Basil, Yarrow, Lilac, Ylang-ylang, Camphor, Clove

Modern Samhain Activities to Practice

  • HONOUR YOUR ANCESTORS - During Samhain the veil between the physical realm and the astral realm is thin. Set up an Altar Space for them and/or invite your ancestors to participate in Dumb Supper for remembrance and to interact with them. Visit your deceased loved ones at a cemetery.

  • RELEASE OLD ENERGY - This seasonal transition brings the perfect opportunity to release energies, thoughts, beliefs, perspectives, relationships, and habits that no longer serves your highest good. Take a moment to physically, emotionally, and energetically release these connections and let them go.

  • HOST A POTLUCK OR A FEAST WITH FALL FOODS - Honor this time of year with loved ones and enjoy seasonal foods.

  • SPEND TIME OUTSIDE WITH NATURE - Ground outside intentionally and sync with the natural rhythms and cycles of Mother Earth.

  • PRACTICE DIVINATION - Samhain has always been considered the best time for divinations and other psychic work. Divination is the art of seeing into the future, or discovering information about a person or situation by means of connecting with spirits and the divine. Consult cards, pendulums, runes, scrying, using the Ouija board and other forms of divination to receive intuitive insight for your current situation and your future.

  • HOST A BONEFIRE - Burn sigils or papers with wishes/intentions written on them and throw them into the fire to manifest.

  • HOLD A FIRE WATCH - Light a fire in your backyard and keep it going all night long, from sundown to sunrise. Sing songs, dance, and remember your ancestors and spirit guides. Pray to them. You may also do this with candles.

  • CARVE A JACK-O-LANTERN - Carve scary faces or protection symbols/runes/sigils on your pumpkin to ward against evil spirits and malicious entities. Place a candle insight and light this to activate this charm.

  • TELL STORIES OF DECEASED LOVED ONES - Honor the dead by sharing stories and memories of their life.

  • CLEANSE YOUR HOME - Purify your personal space to prepare for the seasonal shift. Floor washes, using flordia water, burning incense, using bells and singing bowls, and using selenite can help clear stagnant and negative energies.

  • MAKE A PSYCHIC POTION & MEDITATE - you will need : 2 peppermint tea bags, 1 bay leaf, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 Tablespoon pomegranate syrup, and 2 cups of water. Heat the water and the first four ingredients in a pot until it just begins to boil. Remove from heat and strain. Stir in the pomegranate syrup and charge with your intention before consuming. If pomegranate syrup is not available, substitute 1 Tablespoon of pomegranate juice and sugar to taste. Meditate upon your preference of technique. Journal your experience.

  • MAKE BANISHING POWDER - you will need : 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon black pepper, 1 teaspoon rosemary, 1 teaspoon of sage, 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, 2 chamomile tea bags, and 1 teaspoon of salt. Combine these ingredients and charge the to banish unwanted negative influences. Bottle for use. To use : sprinkle at the threshold or on windowsills to keep evil or incompatible people and energies from entering.

  • APPLE BOBBING - For luck in the new year, it is traditional to eat an apple on Samhain night. If the apple can be plucked out of the water without using your hands, it is even luckier. Fill a large basin with water and float several apples in the water. Everyone can take a turn trying to grab an apple with their teeth. Whoever gets their apple the fastest should have the best luck of the year. Host with loved ones and make a game out of this !

Samhain Food Recipes

  • Chocolate de Mexicanos (serves 4) You will need : 4 1/4 cups milk, 4oz semi-sweet baking chocolate melted, 5 Tablespoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, 1/8 teaspoon allspice, 1 shot tequila. Place all ingredients in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. With a hand-held mixer, beat the mixture until it stops boiling and becomes slightly frothy. Stir in tequila. Serve immediately in mugs and garnish with cinnamon sticks.

  • Pumpkin Pie (makes two 9inch pies) You will need : 3 cups cooked pumpkin, 1 1/4 cups evaporated milk, 2 1/2 cups granulated sugar, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon allspice, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 4 beaten eggs. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into 2 deep, unbaked pie shells. Bake for about 50 minutes, or until a knife comes out the center clean.

  • Colcannon (serves 8) You will need : 4 cups mashed potatoes, 2 1/2 cups cabbage chopped fine, 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 cup evaporated milk or cream, 3/4 cup onion chopped fine and sauteed, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon white pepper. Saute onions. Boil the potatoes and mash them. In a large pan place all of the ingredients except the cabbage and cook over low heat while blending them together. The mixture will take on a pale green cast. Keep stirring occasionally until the mixture is warm enough to eat. Stir well and serve.

Happy Samhain Intuitives, Mystics, & Healers !

Take a moment to honor and connect with your ancestors and spirit guides during this time.

If you have any questions or concerns about Samhain, you may contact me by Email at

Protect yourself and celebrate the shifting of the seasons. This is a time to trust in your intuition and notice the signs and synchronicities.

Blessed be !


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