Releasing Rituals

Releasing Rituals

As an Intuitive Healer and Eclectic Witch, I find releasing rituals very useful in my spiritual practice. Releasing Rituals serve to remove unwanted influences and attachments from your aura, items, or personal space. There are also different forms of releasing : physical, emotional, and energetic release. Releasing allows you to be clear from outside energies, attachments, and intentions and free from any build up emotional trauma and self-limiting thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives that no longer serve your highest good. You will know intuitively when you need to detach and let go. Trust your own discernment and intuition. Some memories, relationships, and feelings may require more time to reflect and process before you feel safe and confident to let go. Strategy and logic will not serve you for releasing. This is completely a feeling out process; to feel, be, and experience. Surrender and embrace change. Letting go gives us a deeper capacity to receive what is better aligned for us.

Physical Release

Physical Release

Physical Release happens when you are incorporating intention and movement to engage in your physical muscles, tissues, and ligaments to release muscle tension and any stagnant energies that may be build up within the physical body. Build up energy within your body can manifest as in different ways for everyone, such as : restlessness, fatigue, muscle aches, stiffness, muscle spasms and usually with poor blood circulation. It is important to listen to your body and not to push yourself beyond what is comfortable for you.

Those that feel called to physically release, normally have layers of old and residual energies build up within them that they have either suppressed and internalized or have subconsciously or willingly absorbed or accepted from others. In this case, physical release is best with consistency and the releasing is done in layers, NOT all at one time.

  • DANCE - You can dance virtually any style that you prefer, the important concept here is to allow your body to become relaxed and for you to get into a flow-like state. While you are in flow, you are actually releasing. Stomping, clapping, and shaking were common ways that our ancestors would release and banish unwanted energies, influences, and attachments. It helps to speak your intention for releasing as chants, mantras, or affirmations. You can also dance to music to enhance or alter the experience. Personally, I like to listen to music to either empower myself or trigger me to help with letting go. Frequency music is also great for releasing and raising your vibration.

    Click Here to Watch Video on Movement Meditation

  • YOGA - Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. Yoga offers us a chance to sit with uncomfortable, heavy emotions and begin to work through them. It is recommended to allow yourself to sit in long holds for 5-10 minutes, this promotes a deep release. Hip openers, reclined bound angle, pigeon pose, child’s pose, twists and heart openers have been very powerful for my healing journey. Experiment with different positions and holds and focus on your breath. Certain poses are associated with specific Chakra centers, this can be extremely helpful when you are wanting to clear a specific emotional wound or blockage tied to a specific Chakra.

    (The Root Chakra is blocked by fear and doubt. The Sacral Chakra is blocked by shame and lust. The Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked by guilt and gluttony. The Heart Chakra is blocked by grief and anger. The Throat Chakra is blocked by lies, even the lies we tell ourselves. The Third Eye Chakra is blocked by illusion and envy. The Crown Chakra is blocked by ego attachment and pride.)

  • RUNNING - Running is a cardio exercise, this emphasizes on the heart. As your heart rate rises and you exhale, you are releasing. You are not focused on the past or what is to come, running allows you to be in the present moment with yourself. You do not have to physically exert yourself or ‘‘burn yourself out’’ for running to be an effective release. Listen to your body and do what you are comfortable with; it is best to pace yourself.

  • TAI CHI OR QIGONG - Both Tai Chi and Qigong work with breath, posture and intention through slow, coordinated movement, Qigong means “life energy cultivation”. Qigong can be thought of as a movement you do for a certain situation, as opposed to tai chi form, which is a series of movements that work on the entire body in a flowing sequence. Tai Ch did originate from Qigong only about 800 years ago. Both are practices based on the same understanding of “Qi” (life force energy). Tai Chi and Qigong focus on breathwork, posture, intention, and movement to cultivate and release our life force energy.

  • EXERCISE - Any exercise could be a form of physical release. Personally, I like to target specific muscle groups where stored suppressed emotions are (muscle tension caused by trapped emotions) :

    shoulder tension - burdens & responsibility

    upper back - grief, sorrow, sadness

    lower back - guilt, shame, unworthiness

    neck tension - repressed self expression

    middle back - insecurity & powerless

    stomach - inability to process emotions

    Punching or cardio can be very therapeutic for anger and grief. Exercise allows us to target our muscles which can hold memories, trauma, and energies. Do your best to be safe. “Feeling the burn” is a great way to transmute that pain into your strength; physically and energetically.

  • JOIN A RAGE ROOM OR BREAK A PLATE - A Rage Room, also known as a smash room or anger room, is a room where people can vent their rage by destroying objects. The idea is you pay to wear protective gear and break things for your own entertainment in a safe controlled space.

    If you need an aggressive physical release that is more budget friendly, you can always break a plate. I like to go to Dollar Tree and buy a sharpie and a basic ceramic plate. Then write down on the plate with the sharpie any names, memories, or things that I wanted to detach from. I like to scream at the plate or say goodbye to the names or things mentioned on the plate and then finally smashing it outside and properly disposing the remains.

Emotional Release

Emotional Release

An Emotional Release happens when you are moving an emotion through you; you do this by simply allowing yourself to be fully present to experience the uncomfortable, heaviness of your feelings and by doing this you are letting them go. Even if you are feeling the overwhelming emotion itself, by feeling it, you are choosing to not internalize that feeling. It is when you choose to deny, suppress, or internalize your emotions that causes memory loss, life to become stagnant and energy blocks in your chakra system.

Here is some inspiration to promote Emotional Release :

  • LISTENING TO MUSIC, PLAYING AN INSTRUMENT, or SINGING SONGS - Music is a very powerful tool for healing. You can use music as a way to express or embody your truth. This can be a safe way to put your painful feelings and thoughts into words so that your not holding them in your heart and mind.

  • EPSOM HERBAL BATH - Take a purification bath for emotional release, to let go of any emotional wounds and attachments that no longer serves your highest good. This is best to do on a Monday, Friday, or Full Moon.

    What you will need : 1 cup of Epsom salts, 1 cup of Himalayan Pink Salt, 1 tablespoon of Baking Soda, 1/4 cup each of dried lavender, chamomile, and rose petals.

    Allow yourself to soak for at least 15 minutes and then you may rinse off or shower as usual. Bath oils, candles, frequency music and crystals are optional but may alter and enhance the experience.

  • JOURNALING - Journaling can be a great way to get all of your thoughts and feelings out of your head and onto paper. This gives you the opportunity to dump, process, notice any patterns, and reflect. Some find it helpful to use journal prompts within their Shadow Work practice to promote emotional release and healing. You can journal to your spirit guides, the universe, your inner child, ego, shadow self, or higher self… the intention is yours to make.

    Click Here to Read about Tools for Shadow Work

    Click Here to Watch Video about The Shadow Self

    Click Here to Watch Video on How to Start your Shadow Work Journey

  • EFT TAPPING - EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT tapping is a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology, now known as energy psychology. Lower intensity issues may only require 4 or 5 rounds to provide relief, while more intense issues may take 10 or 12 rounds. Intense or chronic issues are best addressed through consistent tapping over time. The benefits are cumulative, meaning you will get the best results by tapping daily. You are essentially tapping on specific points on the body for emotional release and reprograming mindset.

    1) Identify the issue. That being what the distress is about. Name it. This will be the focus for the exercise. (Continue tapping.)

    2) Rate the intensity. How strong is it on a scale from 1 to 10; 10 being the most intense. (Tap on.)

    3) “Tap in” and repeat. While still tapping, notice what you are feeling in your body; be present to it. Then think of a comforting phrase like, “Even though I am feeling all this anxiety, I choose to relax and feel safe now.” Do that two more time while still tapping.

    4) Tap through the sequence points. Tap each point below on your body 8 times consecutively, repeating the comforting phrase 3 times as you do. Continue tapping and reciting while you work your way down your body….

    a. First, above the eyebrow

    b. Next, the side of the eye

    c. Then, under the eye

    d. And, under the nose

    e. Next, the chin

    f. Then, the top of the collarbone

    g. Finally, under the arm (or armpit)

    h. End at the top of the head

    Repeat the sequence. This time, notice how your anxiety is lessening and fading away. Notice feelings of safety and calm growing in your body. End after 3 times through.

    5) Rate the intensity. How strong is your anxiety now on a scale from 1 to 10 ?

    You can use EFT Tapping anytime, anywhere you feel stressed, depressed, or overwhelmed. No tools required.

  • REIKI HEALING - Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing that was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan in the early 20th century. Rei means higher intelligence or subtle wisdom. Ki is defined as energy or life force. Ki is also known as chi or prana in other cultures. Reiki can be translated as spiritually guided life force energy. The idea is to visit a certified Reiki Master or Reiki Practitioner to perform Reiki Healing on you. Reiki does not flow from your practitioner. Your practitioner is simply a channel through which reiki slows. The source of Reiki is the divinity that you find within yourself and all around you. This can be your Higher Self, the Universe, Source, God, “all that is” or any higher source of power that you believe in. Reiki Healing promotes chakra alignment and tranquil wellbeing.

  • ART - Art can be a powerful way to be creative and expressive with your thoughts and emotions. Drawing, sculpting, and crafting are popular ways to connect with yourself for escape and release. Perfectionism should not be the focus.

  • CRYSTALS - Crystals vibrate frequencies that can influence your personal energies and space. You can intentionally wear crystals as jewelry, create a crystal grid, carry them in your pocket or place in your personal space to promote emotional balance.

    anxiety & depression - black tourmaline, hematite, aquamarine, fluorite

    grief - rose quartz, prehnite, unakite, jade, rhodochrosite

    anger - lapis lazuli, amethyst, blue lace agate, selenite

    powerlessness - tigers eye, carnelian, citrine, garnet

    guilt - rose quartz, snowflake obsidian, moonstone

    envy - apatite, howlite, clear quartz, lepidolite, blue lace agate

  • MIRROR WORK - Mirror work involves gazing at yourself in the mirror while saying positive affirmations. This is a great practice to cultivate self-compassion and to reprogram positive mindset. While you can practice mirror work for extended periods of time, you can also do it any time you find yourself looking at yourself in the mirror, even if just for a moment. You can also speak vows of commitment to yourself, promises to yourself to meet specific standard or goals.

  • VENTING TO A TRUSTED PERSON - You may also choose to vent to a trusted family member, friend, or therapist to release your emotions or thoughts. Trust your own discernment and intuition before sharing with others.

Energetic Release

Energetic Release

Energetic Release applies for spells and energy work for detaching, clearing, and banishing unwanted influences and attachments.

  • SMOKE CLEANSE - A smoke cleanse is when you are burning dried herbs, powders, resins or incense for purification. I prefer to use copal, dragons blood, frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, lemongrass, or cinnamon but please use what you prefer.

  • GROUNDING - Grounding is an energetic exchange, where you are intentionally connecting with Mother Earth to release your dense, negative energies and absorb the vital energies of the Earth for replenishment and nourishment. Grounding is our fundamental etheric connection to Mother Earth. It is our natural state to be connected to the Earth physically & energetically. It keeps us energized, it keeps our spirit & body integrated, it allows us to realize our full potential as human beings.

    Some symptoms of being ungrounded : -dizziness/daydreaming/spacing out - heart palpations, eye twitches - clumsiness, forgetfulness, static shocks - feeling sick often, noise/light sensitivity - restlessness, difficulty sleeping - hungry but food doesn't satisfy you - lack of focus - fatigued

    How to Ground

    1) Place your feet flat & firmly on the ground, be mindful of your posture. Close your eyes and take a moment to get calm and comfortable.

    2) Take deep breaths to rid of tension in your body. Relax your muscles. Let the air remove any worries and stress you may have. Feel your muscles become loose. Now breathe normally.

    3) Move your attention to your feet. Visualize that roots are beginning to grow out of them and into the floor. Do it slowly and use your senses to see/feel these growing roots. You feel how something is growing out of your feet and how they are a part of you. Make them longer and penetrate the floor.

    4) Now the roots are reaching the ground. The real soil of nature. Feel the dirt around your roots as they penetrate it. Feel the bumpy/uneven soil. Smell it. The roots are still growing and are moving toward the center of the earth. Continue to let them grow until you get there.

    5) Now the roots has reached the center of the earth. Take a breath and imagine that you are breathing through these long roots. You are sucking up/absorbing energy from the earth. Picture it as a bright white light. Moving the energy through the soles of your feet, moving further into your body. For every breath that you take in, you are absorbing. Exhale your energy out of you into the earth, making your aura brighter and lighter. Feel the energy. continue to do this as long as you feel is needed.

    Click Here to Watch Grounding Video

  • EGG CLEANSE - An egg cleanse is a spiritual ritual where the practitioner rubs an egg all over a target and the energies from the target become absorbed into the egg, leaving the target clear from all unwanted influences and attachments. Egg Cleanses are very useful to removing any evil eyes, psychic attacks, and negative residual energies from your aura.

    How to perform an egg cleanse

    1) Light your candle to open the portal between you and the spirit world. Allow this candle to burn to the end, do not put it out. I prefer tealights. You can engrave your name, initials, intention, or runes/sigils/symbols and anoint and dress with oils and herbs (best to use banishing properties).

    2)Pick an egg and cleanse the egg. This must be a raw, uncooked egg at room temperature. I prefer to cleanse my eggs with flordia water or incense but use your preferred cleansing technique.

    3) Speak your intention into the egg. Pray over your egg to program your intention. Speak clearly and specific.

    4) Rub the egg all over your body, from head to toe. You may say a prayer or mantra while doing so to remove any negative energies that may be attached to you.

    5) Break egg. Into your glass of room temperature water. Let the egg settle. Leave for 30 minutes and come back to examine the yolk.

    6) Read the egg. Remember to never look from the top of the glass looking into the glass, if you do this you will absorb all the energies you were just cleansed from. Always look from the side of the glass to prevent this from happening.

    Bubbles rising means negativity. Figures in the yolk is signs of envy. Nails or needle shapes are energy vampires, someone who does not want you to succeed, someone who is working against you. Coating on yolk is signs that someone is angering you. Red or black spots on the yolk shows signs of disease and illness. Cloudy, black, or grey yolk are signs that you are surrounded by negativity and evil. Clouds or swirly figures in yolk shows emotional blockages. Cobwebs are people wanting to trap you and see you fail. Bubbles around the yolk shows eyes are watching you, people possibly stalking you or keeping tabs on you or spirits watching you.

    7) Dispose of water. First add salt and you can flush down the toilet. Or you can walk to a four way intersection (a crossroads) and throw away from you as an act of banishment.

  • CORD CUTTING RITUAL - Best time to do this is on a waning or new moon. This is a ritual to release yourself from unwanted toxic attachments. :You will need : twine/string/cord, scissors, 2 taper candles, heat proof bowl, lighter, sharp object to carve with, banishing oil (optional), tarot cards to represent your intention (optional).

    1) Decide on your intent. The purpose of a cord cutting is to sever a connection with a person, bad habit, or mindset.

    2) Take your 2 candles and choose which one will represent you and which one will represent other person/habit/mindset,etc. Use your sharp object to carve your name or a symbol that represents you into your candle, and carve their name or symbol into their candle.

    3) You may choose to anoint and dress your candles with banishing oil and herbs but this is optional. Visualize your energy pushing this person/habit/mindset,etc. away.

    4) Tie the 2 candles together using the string, keeping them approximately 5 inches apart.

    5) Place the candles in the heatproof bowl, ensuring that the string between them is taught, and the candles are stable.

    6) If you wish to use tarot cards, select the ones that represent your intent. Lay them out in front of your candles, at a safe enough distance.

    7) Light the candles, and spend a few moments acknowledging the relationship that currently exists between you both. Visualize that energetic channel that connects you to each other. When you are ready, use the scissors or lighter to cut or light the string, and visualize the connection between you ending.

    8) Allow the candles to burn down completely. As the candles burns, so will the cord and will separate the connection.

  • SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCY MUSIC - Listen to solfeggio frequency music to open your chakras and bring about various mental and physical health benefits.

    174 Hz - relieving pain and stress and enhance concentration

    285 Hz - healing tissues and organs, can treat minor injuries and wounds in the body

    396 Hz - liberating guilt and fear and grief

    417 Hz - new beginnings, removing negative energy from the body, home, or office

    528 Hz - transformation and miracles; promotes imagination, known as the “love frequency”

    639 Hz - promote connection and repair turbulent relationships

    741 Hz - mental clarity and awakening intuition

    852 Hz - raises cells energy and helps return spiritual order

    963 Hz - known as the “frequency of the gods”, activates crown chakra

  • RELEASING PAST SEXUAL ENERGIES FROM PREVIOUS PARTNERS - Sex is an energetic exchange. We have to intentionally cleanse the energies or they can build up within us and block our sacral chakra. Blocked Sacral Chakra can lead to difficulty expressing emotions, creative blocks, denying pleasure, not in tune with emotions or passions, power or control issues, low sex drive.

    Click Here to Watch Video on How to Banish Sexual Trauma & Your Ex Out of your Aura

If you have any questions or concerns about releasing rituals, you may contact me by email at and I will be happy to clarify, elaborate, or point you in the right direction.

Happy Purging & Releasing ! Blessed be.


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