Weather Magic

Weather Magic with Psychic Medium Natasha

Weather Magic is the spiritual practice of utilizing the energies, shifts, and patterns of the weather for personal desires, goals, and intentions. The goal is not to control the weather but to harness the powers that are naturally occurring and present around us for our own rituals and manifestations. Weather Magic is usually practiced by folk practitioners, witches, and pagans but not restricted to them specifically as this is considered to be an open spiritual practice, meaning available for anyone to practice spiritually. In this blog post we will talk about using snow, rain, storms, hot searing days, rainbows, solar and lunar eclipses, and meteor showers.

Snow in Weather Magic

Snow in Weather Magic

Snow Magic is associated with water elemental magic. It can be utilized all year if stored properly (frozen or refrigerated). Blizzard Snowfall is associated with high energy and power workings like banishing and releasing rituals. Soft, Quiet Snowfall is associated with peaceful and tranquil rituals like purification, healing, and memory recall.

  • Cleansing & Purification - add to your bath, clear water safe crystals, anoint your body to cleanse your aura, use to cleanse. Add snow into a spray to maintain sacred space or you can use on the thresholds of your home or the perimeter to ward off negativity.

  • Charging Tools - dip your tools to give them energy and power from blizzards.

  • Banishing & Releasing - rituals by making a snow ball, mound, or figure and infusing it with the energy of something that you would like to detach from and get rid of, and as the snow melts, your intention will be taken away from you with it. For Example : make a snowball and fill it with a worry, bad habit, or negative thought that you want to let go of and then throw it away from you as far as you can.

  • Cursing - to freeze an enemy and turn their heart to ice - charge an ice cube with a curse as it melts, imagine your enemy’s self esteem and self worth melt off (pick a scene appropriate to you that would evoke the emotion of wishing them harm).

  • Wishing - with your staff, wand, or athame, carve a wish into the snow. Trace a pentagram next to it or over it to seal the wish. You may also choose to draw a personal sigil instead of a pentagram.

  • Chill Out Spell - write the name of your target on a piece of paper, pack it into a snowball and place it into a zip lock bag, put it in a freezer and forget about it. Make sure it can be left undisturbed.

  • Physical & Emotional Healing - water holds memory. water can be programed with your focused intention and charged with energy. This means you can use baths, sprays, soaks, steams to promote physical healing and emotional healing with frozen or melted snow because it is water. You may also choose to add herbs, oils, crystals, shells, and frequencies to boost your intention.

  • Passion - heavier the snowfall, the more energy is infused into the snowflakes and snow molecules. You can use this energy to fuel your passionate endeavors like creativity, sex, or love. Add fresh snow into herbal infusions or potions to evoke passion into yourself or potential lover. Allow the snow to melt and use water to draw sigils, runes, or symbols of passion.

  • Poppet - build a snowman or snow figurine with the intention of using it as a poppet. You can use this for healing or as protection as a snow guardian or even cursing.

  • Beauty Infusion - Snow water and add herbs to make infusions for beauty and self care. Lemon balm, rosemary, rose, basil, and thyme are commonly used. Use for a waxing or full moon, run over parts of the body for nourishment or glamour magic. Freeze in ice cubes with toothpicks and use one cube per session.

Storms in Weather Magic

Storms in Weather Magic

Some witches and spiritual practitioners can feel overwhelmed working with storms at first. Having your entire physical body fill with concentrated energy, can be difficult to direct and contain it. Embodying so much penetrating energy can have adverse effects like nausea, headaches, and dizziness. The effects are only temporary until you become more proficient in working with storms. Storm magic also requires you to be ready at a moment’s notice. This means at 2am when the storm rolls through, you need to be ready and able to jump to your feet and perform your ritual. You must be composed, focused, and fluid so the energy of the storm is allowed to work through you. You must be able to direct and focus it clearly. Patience is critical. Storms have their own plans, so be prepared. With that, storm magic is also about relinquishing control. You are allowing yourself to feel the energies of the storm and open yourself up and letting the energy flow like a stream, allowing no blockage.

Tips for Storm Magic :

  • Plan and think of your ritual intention. If you have a specific area where you do workings, make it ready. Don’t try to make storm spells overly complicated. Storms are already powerful, you do not have to over do it.

  • Know exactly what you need, where it is, and be sure you can access it quickly. Have items cleansed, ready, and in stock. This will ensure that you are always one step ahead.

  • In most cases, you will only have a small window of opportunity. You will need to get moving as soon as you know a storm is coming.

  • Not only will you need to be able to move quickly, but in that same breath, you will need to be able to to tap into your inner self, inner energy quickly. You will need to be able to center yourself immediately and drop into trance or flow state as fast as the storm rolls through the sky.

  • As the storm’s power hits you, sharpen your focus on your intention/need/desire until you can almost taste, smell, and touch it. In all honesty, this is all you need for storm magic. You can forget the candles, oils, statues, and incense as long as you have your intention focused clearly in your mind.

Please take great caution with storms, especially when there is lightning. Working outside would seem like the most ideal sacred space for storm magic….but logically, NO ! I recommend working inside where you can feel and view the storm through a window.

Using Storm Water in Weather Magic

Storm Water is obtained by charging water under thunder or lightning with the energies of heavy winds. When there is going to be a storm, place a clean bowl outside to gather the rainwater from the storm. It is best to use a non-metal bowl as if there is lightning that could cause a problem. Once the storm is over bring the bowl inside and place in a jar and label and date it.

Storm Water can be used for many purposes :

  • Fueling Manifestations

  • Protection and Warding Rituals

  • Raising Energy

  • To Hex, Curse, or Jinx

  • Releasing & Banishing Rituals

  • Creating Psychic Attacks

  • Courage Spells

  • Breaking Bad Habits

You can add a spicy herbs to storm water to create fire. Useful for warding, cursing, and matters of passion. Also great to add storm water to baths to help recharge your energy and to give a boost in your intuitive abilities. Storm water can also be used as holy water once charged with prayer.

  • LIGHTNING STORMS - Periods of intense energy. All spells cast during lightning storms will be empowered by them and may boost or enhance manifestations. Protection rituals are ideal at these times. Power, manifestation, cursing, and protection.

  • SNOW STORMS - Are the time for gentle magic, purification, stilling emotions, and release unrequited love. Gentle magic, releasing negativity, purification, balance, stillness, transformation, and letting go.

  • HEAVY WINDS - Empower rituals designed to break addictions, assist study, and travel spells. Intellect, study, travel, wish spells, and breaking bad habits.

  • HEAVY RAINS - Releasing any unwanted influences, purification, cleansing.

  • RAINSTORMS - Are fine for purification, love, compassion, friendships, glamour rituals, and releasing.

  • DENSE FOG - Ideal for spells and rites regarding invisibility, stasis, mysticism, and shielding.

Sunny Days in Weather Magic

Sunny Days in Weather Magic

Use the power of the sun to empower your rituals and spells for protection. creativity, growth, courage, strength, vitality, and energy. Make sun water for your spiritual practice. Keep in mind that the time of the day can also impact your ritual like :

Dawn is associated with new beginnings and charging. Noon is associated with protection, vitality, and strength. Sunset is associated with divination and banishing rituals.

  • SUNNY BLESSINGS RITUAL - Yellow, orange, and red are colors associated with the Sun, as is sky-blue. Choose an orange candle and anoint with calendula oil or pure sunflower oil scented with orange essential oil and carve the sun glyph as you visualize solar blessings. Decorate your altar with sunflowers, marigolds or yellow topaz crystals or yellow gemstones and burn your Sun candle on Sunday best during high noon.

  • RAINBOWS - a sign of synchronicity that you are in alignment from spirit. Have confidence that your manifestations are coming to you soon ! This is also an ideal time to do any chakra cleansing, balancing, and healing work.

Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Weather Magic

Solar & Lunar Eclipses in Weather Magic

Eclipses are dramatic moments both for their observers as well as witches, mystics, and magicians. In the past, magicians were urged not to perform spells during eclipses. Today, many mystics use the suggestive power of an eclipse to fuel and empower rituals involving banishments, destruction, and ridding of disease. Eclipses brings about powerful changes and creates the potential for swift shifts and intense transformation and growth.

  • LUNAR ECLIPSES - Uncovering that which is hidden and releasing that which doesn’t serve you, increasing your intuitive awareness, as well as divination and wisdom. A lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon and when the earth is between the moon and the sun, cutting off the light from the sun on the moon. Lunar Eclipses are intensely transformative, giving you a push to lay bare what has been on your mind and get things done.

  • SOLAR ECLIPSES - New beginnings of all types, taking the initiative, new opportunities and ideas, positive energy, luck, growth, and abundance. A solar eclipse occurs during a new moon when the moon is between the sun and the earth, cutting off the sun on the earth. Solar Eclipses bring supercharged energy of change, rebirth, new beginnings, and urge you to turn your gaze inward.

Meteor Showers in Weather Magic

Meteor Showers in Weather Magic

Meteor showers empowers spells and rituals with a boost of cosmic energy and is the ideal time for wish making, divination, and psychic work. You may choose to gaze upon the sky and pray to your spirit guide team or send your desires and goals to the universe to manifest.

Psychic Medium Natasha

If you have any questions or concerns about Weather Magic, you may contact me directly by Email at

Happy Manifesting ! Blessed be !


Releasing Rituals


Crystal Elixirs